Bipolar stepper motor drive with PIC16F84A and CCS C

CD-ROM bipolar stepper motor drive with PIC16F84A and CCS PIC C compiler

This topic shows circuit schematic and C code for interfacing PIC16F84A microcontroller with CD-ROM bipolar stepper motor.

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The following circuit schematic shows the connection between the microcontroller PIC16F84A and the stepper motor where a dual H-bridge circuit which is L293D chip is used between them.

PIC16F84A cd-rom stepper motor control circuit

The two pushbuttons are used to choose motor rotation direction.
The PIC16F84A needs +5V between its VDD and VSS pins.

Interfacing PIC16F84A microcontroller with stepper motor CCS PIC C code:
The motor speed is fixed by the code but it can be changed by varying the delay between the four steps.

Interfacing PIC16F84A microcontroller with stepper motor video:
The following video shows a hardware circuit of this project.

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2 thoughts on “Bipolar stepper motor drive with PIC16F84A and CCS C”

  1. Hi sir
    I am engineering student, I need 3axis pic microcontroller based stand alone motion controller code with pic18f46k22
    You help will be highly appreciated
    Thanks and Regards

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