Remote controlled stepper motor using PIC18F4550 and CCS C

Remote controlled stepper motor using PIC18F4550
Unipolar stepper motor with Car MP3 remote control

This project shows how to control a 5V unipolar stepper motor from IR remote control uses NEC protocol with PIC18F4550 microcontroller. This controller controls the stepper motor speed and direction of rotation.
If you want to see how to drive the unipolar stepper motor using PIC18F4550 microcontroller read the following topic:
Interfacing unipolar stepper motor with PIC18F4550 microcontroller

And if you want to see how to decode IR remote control with NEC protocol see the following topic:
Extended NEC IR remote control decoder with PIC18F4550 microcontroller

To drive the unipolar stepper motor we need ULN2003 (ULN2004) Darlington transistor array or L293D motor driver as described in the previous topic.
The IR remote control used in this project is shown below:
Car MP3 button codes

Project circuit schematic is shown below.
Remote controlled stepper motor circuitPIC18F4550 microcontroller internal oscillator is used.

Remote controlled unipolar stepper motor using PIC18F4550 CCS C code:
External interrupt is used to read IR remote control signals.

Remote controlled unipolar stepper motor using PIC18F4550 video:

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