Remote Controlled Bipolar Stepper Motor Using PIC16F877A – CCS C

Each CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive has a bipolar stepper motor. The bipolar stepper motor has 2 windings which means that this type of motors has 4 wires.
Bipolar stepper motor windings

In this blog there are some topics shows how to control the bipolar stepper motor as the following one:
Bipolar stepper motor control with PIC16F877A microcontroller

Now in this topic an IR remote control is used to control the bipolar stepper motor speed and direction of rotation. The remote control used in this project uses NEC protocol and to see how to decode NEC protocol using PIC16F877A microcontroller see the following post:
NEC Protocol IR remote control decoder with PIC16F877A microcontroller

To control the bipolar stepper motor we need two H-bridge circuits and for that L293D motor driver chip is used, this cheap chip can work as a dual H-bridge drivers.
Project circuit schematic is shown below:
Remote controlled bipolar stepper motor circuit PIC16F877A

Remote controlled stepper motor using PIC16F877A C code:
The IR remote control used in this project is shown below with the used buttons and their codes which are used in the code.
Car MP3 button codesExternal interrupt is used for reading IR signals.
The complete C code is the one below, it was tested with CCS C compiler version 5.051.

Remote controlled stepper motor using PIC16F877A video:
The following video shows a hardware circuit for this project.

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